Stochastic Reality: reality works based on probabilities, not based on absolutes

Philosophical background of is the concept that reality works stochastically (with probabilities). This is widely agreed as the most plausible concept in current technical, scientific, and philosophical communities. Multiple different views of truth, right or wrong, reality, … exist in parallel.
Some are more plausible (higher probability to be correct) than others. A fundamental, unchangeable, ultimately provable, eternal, deterministic truth does not exist.

The probability 0 (0% likelyness, can not happen) and the probability 1 (100% likelyness, must happen) are purely hypothetical concepts.
Although in everyday life, many events are quasi deterministic (action: put glass an table; result: glass will stand on the table), there is no guarantee that these events must happen as assumed to be most probable (alternative result: sometimes the glass topples over and falls off the table).

Neutrality: is a platform for egalitarian coexistence of multiple value systems.

It is not a goal of to promote any one value system (independent, whether it's based on philosophy, mindset, believe, religion, …). intends to provide a neutral and unbiased platform for a free play of value systems.

Tolerance: with a stochastic reality approach and neutrality a policy of mutual tolerance is a prerequisite

In a probabilistic system with "truth" being no absolute but a stochastic (and often individual) quality, it is essential to respect other truths and allow even mutually exclusive truths to exist peacefully in parallel.
Individuals in the community are allowed to choose freely, which value system they adopt for themselves and which value systems they actively support.
As long as at least one individual supports a specific value system, this system is existing legitimately! In a direct democratic system however, the "voice" of any value system is determined by the number of its supporters.

Protected Area : to allow tolerance to intolerant systems protected areas shall be provided.

Some value systems, especially religiously motivated ones, depend on the assumption of one unchangeable, undisputable truth. For lack of a better, non derogatory name, these systems will be called " deterministic " systems.
These value systems would face a natural conflict in a totally open, neutral, and tolerant environment like
Out of respect (and tolerance) for these systems, should eventually provide a free common ( stochastic ) area without censorship and a protected ( deterministic ) area, where an uncensored flow of information is guaranteed from the protected into the free area but unidirectional filters (censor systems) can be installed to saveguard the individual value systems of the various deterministic systems in the protected area.
While this system somehow goes against the principle idea of an open community, tolerance even to intolerant systems must be ensured to avoid any need for censorship in the common area . Any ideas how to install a better system to allow parallel existence of uncensored and censored systems to replace the " protected area " idea is welcome!